The ComePostVille Vasco Huddle on behalf of the world environment day was a very good learning experience where we learnt about experiences of various citizens in sustainability.
Radheshyam Yadav spoke about how learning and teaching Yoga and meditation has enabled him to do something in sustainability, Little Hirkanee taught all of us a good lesson by getting her own cup and straw.
Tr Louisa Menezes Pereira did an excellent demonstration of Bioenzymes covering all details. She was very gracious to share the starter kit as well as various saplings, cuttings with many.
Thomas Pereira's sharing of how he does a cleanup on an everyday basis when he goes for a walk, was an inspiration to all of us.
Subrata Rai shared insights on the scenario of E-Waste and remediation of garbage dumpsites
Alka Damle spoke about her journey about various initiatives in Vasco and how much of a struggle it has been for her in getting things done. It gave good insights on the strategy of how to get things done especially from the Government. Thanks for also sharing the cuttings/saplings.
Cynthia D'Souza has a very good collection of plants of different varieties and she got a lot of them to share with all. Thanks for the lovey plants.
Johnson Stephen who has won the Goa State Biodiversity Board award today, in the biodiversity enthusiast category, explained how he got into animal rescue and sustainability. It was incredible to know that he learnt how to catch snakes by watching national geographic. Thanks for sharing your experience and all the cuttings, plants, seeds and seedlings. Thanks for also getting the appropriate plants for the sapling plantation.
The potluck is a nice way to get people together and today was no exception. We all tasted a variety of things. Thanks to all those who made the effort to cook/get the snacks, fruits, juice.
Last but not the least, thanks to Ananthanarayanan T.R. and his family for hosting this huddle, the nice arrangements and snacks and for sharing the seeds especially of the rare varieties of chillies (Bhut Jolokia/ghost pepper and Dalle Khursani both of which are among the world's spiciest). Thanks for getting the pits done for the plantation which we carried out.
Look forward to have many more "Huddles".
Happy World Environment Day to All
